City of Hermosillo, Sonora on February 2nd, 2012
With the purpose of enhancing student’s interest in Geography, Science, Physics and Chemistry, a drilling process conference was given at Middle School No.4 named Ruben Gutierrez Carranza, located in Hermosillo, Sonora.
As programmed in the visits agenda that Sonora Naturals has contemplated in order to attend Middle School Institutions, The Sonnat Team, visited for the second time said institution, but this time with the purpose of offering a speech about the importance of Geology in the Country.
Teenagers learned from firsthand the geological eras that have affected our Planet Earth, as well as the knowledge profile and action field of the geologists in the mining Industry. Queries arose among students and they showed a great deal of interest by asking very specific themes about Ecology, Environment Protection, Action field, among others, which were explained in a natural manner, since Sonnat has just received its Environmental Protection Certificate.
Adding to the conversation, Students learned the most common working tools used to make a drilling procedure and Metallurgical lab tests preparation.
In order to make a dynamic conference, a series of videos were played for the students, videos about drill bits, rock picks, and core replicas in order for them to observe and learn the material structure obtained in a mineral core.
Acerca de Sonnat
Sonora Naturals, presente en el 100% de las minas de Oro y Plata en México y América Central. Trabajamos también en minas de Cobre, Hierro y Plomo. Esto debido a nuestro servicio y esfuerzo en proveer soluciones a la industria de la minería.